Rodman Pearce Solicitors


Immigration & Asylum Law

We have a dedicated team of accredited Immigration Solicitors able to provide expert professional advice and assistance for all types of UK Immigration & Asylum matters.

We work with a range of people on their immigration matter. Whether you are high net worth individual, or a celebrity, an organisation or individual who is just looking to visit, work or live permanently in the UK, our expert team is experienced at handling different immigration matters and attending to each of our client with a high-level, discreet and timely service.

We offer range of services in our Immigration Department. You can book an initial appointment to see a solicitor for advice in your Immigration matter.

In our fixed fees, the work we carry out is standard and they include.

Initial attendance, taking instructions, considering documents, and providing you with advice based on your current circumstance. If you are unable to qualify for the category of your choice, then we may advise you of alternative routes to settlement and provide you with a list of documents.

The fixed prices set out in our fees section are for guidance only. Therefore, depending on the complexity of your case and the number of documents the price may change.

Why you need the services of an immigration expert

Successive government have applied sometimes conflicting legislation in Immigration Legislation in an attempt to assuage public opinion and economic policy. This has led to Immigration becoming one of the most difficult areas of Law. An attempt to navigate through the murky waters of Immigration Law without proper legal advice can lead to compromising your legal status. It is always recommended you contact us from the start of your application.

If you are looking to work in the UK as a non EEA national and you have been offered a job by a licensed sponsor, you would need to get a work visa to be able to come into the UK or continue staying in the UK. Our expert team is here to assist you every step of the way. Whether you are business looking to employ skilled workers from outside of the EEA or you are an individual who has been offered a job by a UK firm.

This visa offers you the right to live in the UK while working as a skilled worker or taking on jobs on the shortage occupation list. Our expert team is here to simplify this complex area of immigration law for you and make it as stress free as possible while delivering as speedily as possible.

Tier 2 Visa

You can apply for Tier 2 if you have been offered a skilled job in the UK by a licensed sponsor. This is also a point based type visa. You are awarded points based on if you have a valid certificate of sponsorship, you are being paid the appropriate salary for the job, you have knowledge of English and your savings.

You can switch to this Visa type if you are already holding a Tier 1 visa, any other type of Tier 2 visa, Tier 4 Visa, Start-up visa or innovator visa. With this visa type you can stay for up to 5 years in the UK.

There are 4 types of Tier 2 visa;

General work Visa
Intra-Company Transfer Visa
Minister of Religion Visa

How we can help

We can advise you on the best long term work visa to apply for in regards to your circumstances.

We can assist you with your application offering a high-level service to your application from start to finish

Fees and Funding

For our initial consultation we charge a fixed fee of £75 for an hour. This is just an initial consultation and case assessment and does not include letter of advice. However, in the event that you instruct us, we would charge you a fixed fee.

Our charges are based on hourly rate, the rates as stated below:

  • Senior Solicitors charge £300 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Solicitors with experience of 3 years and below£250 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Caseworkers charge £200 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice.

Book an appointment or call us on 01582424234 for specialist advice on your long-term work visa matter today.

Whether you are taking up an unpaid voluntary work for a charity, or you have been given an opportunity to do work experience or training through an approved government authorised exchange scheme, or you have been contracted to do a job covered by international law while in the UK and you are a non EEA national; you can apply for a short-term visa.

There are 7 categories of the short-term work visa:

Charity worker Visa
Creative and Sporting Visa
Government authorised exchange Visa
International Agreement Visa
Religious Worker Visa
Seasonal worker Visa
Youth Mobility Scheme Visa

How we can help

We can advise you on the best short term work visa to apply for in regards to your circumstances.

We can assist you with your application offering a high-level service to your application from start to finish.

Fees and Funding

For our initial consultation we charge a fixed fee of £75 for an hour. This is just an initial consultation and case assessment and does not include letter of advice. However, in the event that you instruct us, we would charge you a fixed fee.

Our charges are based on hourly rate, the rates as stated below:

  • Senior Solicitors charge £300 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Solicitors with experience of 3 years and below£250 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Caseworkers charge £200 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice.

Book an appointment or call us on 01582424234 for specialist advice on your long-term work visa matter today.

Domestic violence and abuse is: Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can encompass, but it not limited to

  • psychological
  • physical
  • sexual
  • financial
  • emotional

How can you protect yourself or children

Your first point of contact when you are in immediate risk of serious danger is to call the police.

You can apply for injunction against anyone who has used violence or threat of violence against you or your children.

When you apply for an injunction, the court can make two types of orders under the Family Law Act 1996, and they include:

  1. The Non-Molestation Orders: This an order that is granted by the court to protect you or your children from abuse, violence, threat of violence or even pestering behaviour. The court can grant this order to any associated person within any family proceeding or as a ‘standalone claim’. The court would take into consideration the need to secure the health, safety and wellbeing of you and your child.
  2. The Occupation Order: This is an order that refrains someone from staying in the house you occupy or coming anywhere near the house. The court can grant this order depending on your right to occupy the property. The court can grant this order to any associated person within any family proceeding or as a ‘standalone’ claim. The court would take into consideration the housing needs and resources of the any relevant children, the financial resources of the parties, the conduct of both parties and consideration would be given to any pending proceedings between the parties.

How we can help

We can send out a letter to warn the perpetrator of the violence. This would deter them such behaviour. In the event they don’t, we can provide legal advice on the best order to apply for in regards to your circumstance.

We can assist with your application for both emergency injunction and Injunction with notice.

Attending the court hearings.

Fees and funding

Our ServicesOur FeesVATCourt FeesTotal
Initial consultation and warning letter£250£50NIL£300
Representation at CourtTo be agreed

Book an appointment or call us on 01582424234 for specialist advice on your family matter today.

British citizenship/Nationality

If You were born in the UK after 1983, you don’t automatically become a British citizen. Your British citizenship depends on where you were born and your parent’s circumstances.

You would be eligible to apply for citizenship if you were born and at the time of your birth, your parents were British citizens or settled in the UK.  This rule excludes those born before 2006, as ‘parents’ before 2006, in this context did not include a father of a child who was not married to the child’s mother.

You could also be eligible to apply for British citizenship if you were born outside of the UK and either of your parents is a British citizen otherwise than by descent by birth in the UK or by naturalisation.

You can be eligible to apply for citizenship by naturalisation if:

  • You are 18 years and over
  • You have an indefinite leave to remain and you have lived in the UK for 12 months after getting it.
  • You have permanent residence status
  • You have a settled status under the EU settlement
  • You are stateless

How we can help

  • We offer advice on your eligibility
  • We offer a specialist advise to you on every step of this process.
  • We can help with processing your application and in the case of an unlikely refusal, we give advice on the best course of action.

Fees and funding

For our initial consultation we charge a fixed fee of £75 plus VAT for an hour. This is just an initial consultation and case assessment and does not include letter of advice. However, in the event that you instruct us, we would charge you a fixed fee, of £850 plus VAT in total. Taking away your initial consultation fees. This excludes any fees you would be required by the Home Office to pay on your application.

Book an appointment or call us on 01582424234 for specialist advice on your immigration matter today.

If you want to set up or run a business in the UK, or you work in the science, engineering, technology, digital humanities or art field and have been recognised as a leader or endorsed as an emerging leader, Tier 1 visa allows you to work in the UK as an non EEA national. Our specialist team, is here to offer you expert advice.

The types of visa you may be eligible to apply for:

Innovator Visa
Start-up Visa
Exceptional Talent Visa
Investor Visa

How we can help

We can advise you on the best visa to apply for in regards to your circumstances.

We can assist you with your application offering a high-level service to your application from start to finish.

Fees and Funding

For our initial consultation we charge a fixed fee of £75 for an hour. This is just an initial consultation and case assessment and does not include letter of advice. However, in the event that you instruct us, we would charge you a fixed fee.

Our charges are based on hourly rate, the rates as stated below:

  • Senior Solicitors charge £300 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Solicitors with experience of 3 years and below£250 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Caseworkers charge £200 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice.

Book an appointment or call us on 01582424234 for specialist advice on your work visa matter today.

We can also assist you with the following visas:

UK Ancestry Visa: You can apply for this visa if you are a commonwealth citizen and you can prove that at least one of your grandparents is from the UK. To be eligible for this category, you must be able or are planning to work in the UK.

Domestic worker visa: this visa enables you as a non EEA national to visit the UK with your employer if you are domestic staff in a private household and have worked for your employer for at least a year.  Domestic workers include: Cleaners, chauffeurs, cooks, nannies and those proving personal care for the employer or their family.

Representative of an oversea Business Visa; if you are the sole representative of an overseas company and you are planning to set up a new branch in the UK, or you work for an overseas news outlet and you have been given a long term work in the UK, this visa allows you as a non EEA national to work in the UK.

Turkish Businessperson Visa and Turkish Worker Visa: We can help you to work in the UK if you want to set up a new business in the UK or run an already established business in the UK, as a Turkish national.

How we can help

We can advise you on your eligibility for in regards to your circumstances.

We can assist you with your application offering a high-level service to your application from start to finish.

Fees and Funding

For our initial consultation we charge a fixed fee of £75 for an hour. This is just an initial consultation and case assessment and does not include letter of advice. However, in the event that you instruct us, we would charge you a fixed fee.

Our charges are based on hourly rate, the rates as stated below:

  • Senior Solicitors charge £300 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Solicitors with experience of 3 years and below£250 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Caseworkers charge £200 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice.

Book an appointment or call us on 01582424234 for specialist advice on your work visa matter today.

As an EU and EEA citizen, you may be uncertain about your immigration status in the UK after BREXIT and the next steps to take in order to be able to continue living, working or studying in the UK even after BREXIT.

You can apply to the EU Settlement Scheme to continue living in the UK after 30th June 2021. Our expert team is here to help with all the questions that you may have in regards to your immigration status and we are here to help every step of the way.

How we can help

We offer expert advice on the EU Settlement Scheme applications
Registration certificate
Permanent Residence documentation
Residence Card for eligible family members

Fees and Funding

For our initial consultation we charge a fixed fee of £75 for an hour. This is just an initial consultation and case assessment and does not include letter of advice. However, in the event that you instruct us, we would charge you a fixed fee.

Our charges are based on hourly rate, the rates as stated below:

  • Senior Solicitors charge £300 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Solicitors with experience of 3 years and below£250 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Caseworkers charge £200 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice.

Book an appointment or call us on 01582424234 for specialist advice on your immigration matter today.

This visa allows you as a non EEA citizen to study in any licenced institution in the UK. Whether you are doing a short course or you are looking to bring your family while you study in the UK, we are here to help.

There are different types of study visa:

  • Short study visa
  • General student visa (Tier 4)
  • Child student visa (Tier 4)

The general and child student visa is a point based type visa. What this means is that you are required to meet a set point to be given a visa in this category. The set point is 40 points. You are awarded 30 points if you receive an offer from an institution which is a registered Tier 4 sponsors and another 10 points is awarded if you can show you have sufficient finances to pay for your course and cover your cost of living for the duration of your stay in the UK. The cost of your course would vary depending on your institution while the cost of living would vary depending on what part of the UK you would studying.

How we can help

We can help you with student visa application, starting with obtaining your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies(CAS) from the registered sponsor, to managing your application and applying for an extension. In the case of refusal with no right to appeal, we can make a judicial review claim against the Home office.

Fees and funding

For our initial consultation we charge a fixed fee of £75 for an hour. This is just an initial consultation and case assessment and does not include letter of advice. However, in the event that you instruct us, we would charge you a fixed fee.

Our charges are based on hourly rate, the rates as stated below:

  • Senior Solicitors charge £300 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Solicitors with experience of 3 years and below£250 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Caseworkers charge £200 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice.

Book an appointment or call us on 01582424234 for specialist advice on your immigration matter today.

You need a family visa to live with your spouse or partner, fiancé, fiancée or proposed civil partner, child, parent and an adult dependant relative if they are British citizens or settled in the UK. You can also apply for the marriage visa if you are eligible. You can also apply for a permit to join your EU or EEA family member in the UK.

How we can help

The family visa is a very complex area and here at Rodman Pearce, we simplify the process for you making the entire process stress free.

We offer specialist advice and assist you with your application from start to finish.

Fees and Funding

For our initial consultation we charge a fixed fee of £75 for an hour. This is just an initial consultation and case assessment and does not include letter of advice. However, in the event that you instruct us, we would charge you a fixed fee.

Our charges are based on hourly rate, the rates as stated below:

  • Senior Solicitors charge £300 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Solicitors with experience of 3 years and below£250 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Caseworkers charge £200 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice.

Book an appointment or call us on 01582424234 for specialist advice on your immigration matter today.

Non EEA nationals can come to visit the UK for a specific purpose, whether it is for tourism or a business trip, for research or to get married you can apply for the visit visa.

There are different types of visit visa and they all have different requirements and restrictions as to what you can or cannot do while visiting the UK;

Standard visitor Visa
Marriage Visitor Visa
Permitted Paid Engagement Visa
Parents of a Tier 4 child Visa
Visit the UK in a Chinese tour group
Visit-Transit Visa

How we can Help you

Our expert team can help you with the application of your visit visa especially in complex situations.

Fees and Funding

For our initial consultation we charge a fixed fee of £75 for an hour. This is just an initial consultation and case assessment and does not include letter of advice. However, in the event that you instruct us, we would charge you a fixed fee.

Our charges are based on hourly rate, the rates as stated below:

  • Senior Solicitors charge £300 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Solicitors with experience of 3 years and below£250 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice
  • Caseworkers charge £200 per hour and VAT on top of the total invoice.

Book an appointment or call us on 01582424234 for specialist advice on your immigration matter today.

A person who fears being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion and his country is unable to protect him may be granted asylum. What that means is, the UK, would allow the person to stay in the UK and they cannot go back to the country.

You may not qualify for asylum but because of your circumstances, the UK could grant you humanitarian protection. What this means is that though, you don’t qualify for Asylum, the UK cannot remove you back to your country because it would a breach of your human rights. Therefore, they grant you humanitarian protection.

How we can help you

We can assist you with your application from start to finish. Guiding you every step of the way. We understand how difficult this process can be and we offer specialist advice to obtain the best result for your application. And in the case that your application is refused we can appeal or challenge the Home Office’s decision by way of appeal or Judicial review.

Fees and Funding

We currently take only legal aid funded asylum matters. We access your merit and award you legal aid. Call us or book an appointment today and find out if you qualify for Legal aid.

Our expert team is experienced in handling all immigration matters in relation to your business.  We tailor our immigration service to your business and provide a high-level service.

How we Can help

We help organisations navigate the immigration aspects of employing migrant workers and provide a range of services, including:

  • sponsor licence applications;
  • sponsor licence management and audit
  • challenging sponsor licence suspension/revocation;
  • compliance advice and guidance
  • Advice, preparation and submission of applications for employees and their families.
  • Brexit services for your business and employees.

Fees and funding

For a bespoke fee on our business immigration services, please book an appointment or call us on 01582424234.

If your application has been refused and you have the right to appeal, our expert team can help you to navigate through such applications, saving you time and money.

In the event that your application is refused with no right to appeal, we can challenge the decision by way of judicial review(JR), if we assess your case and we see that you have grounds for JR.

We are experienced in dealing with appeal applications and Judicial reviews and we have a high success rate.

Fees and Funding

You may be qualified for legal aid funding. As appeals have deadlines, please contact us as soon as you receive your decision and to find out if you qualify for legal aid funding.

We also take on privately funded appeals and Judicial reviews. For privately funded appeals we charge a fixed fee of £1500 plus VAT. For privately funded Judicial review, we charge a fixed fee of £2,500 plus VAT. This fees do not include any application fees that you may be required to pay.

Book an appointment or call us on 01582424234 for specialist advice on your immigration matter today.

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